She said:

Before heading out to Singapore, I promised Myls that I would be home for her wedding. As one of her maids of honor, I volunteered to help with the wedding preparations. The day before her wedding last November 2008, I was at Astoria Plaza busy preparing sandwiches for tomorrow’s snack when the doorbell rang. Another friend from abroad has arrived to join the preps.

He was called Lesley or Violago. Myls warned me that Lesley was a bit snobbish (“masungit”) so I shouldn’t take it personally if he doesn’t talk to me. In fact, in their high school years Myls initially didn’t like him. To my surprise, this guy with a camera always at hand, was actually friendly and he likes Jollibee chicken joy too. I was comfortable with him right away. CLICK!

Despite the difference in time zone, we have kept in touch via web.

In 2010, our online chats turned to SMS messages, SMS to phone calls, phone calls to much longer phone calls. Flowers and letters started coming. My day would not start and end without hearing his voice. I would find myself losing sleep or staying home on weekends so we can talk longer. CLICK! CLICK!

September 13, 2010 Lesley finally came to Singapore. I was very nervous when I picked him up at the airport. There were a few seconds of awkwardness but we were able to shake it off. The conversation started and the rest is history. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK!

He said:

Do we really need to put all this online?

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